How a Car Accident Can Ruin Your Life

Posted by Staff on 12th Sep 2018

How a Car Accident Can Ruin Your Life

Car accidents are unplanned events that can change your life in the blink of an eye. Since 2008, car accidents have steadily increased causing more drivers to take precautions like phone mounts, tracking devices, and special tools in case one becomes trapped inside of the car after a major accident. In most cases, EMC staff will be equipped with such tools to help rescue a passenger; but what if they can’t get to you in a timely manner? This is a situation a lot of drivers find themselves into. Being trapped in a car filling up with smoke is not healthy to your body or mind. The longer you’re inside of a burning car, the more risk you have of damaging your lungs.

There are some people who assume such rescue tools are expensive; that’s not true. StatGear manufactures auto rescue tools that are both affordable and convenient. Tools such as the SuperVizorXT which includes a seat belt cutter and window puncher all for under $10. The SuperVizorXT is trusted by medical professionals everyday, however, it should also be trusted by you as it could be the difference between an internal health issue and internal happiness.