Posted by Staff on 8th Oct 2018
3 Ways to Sharpen a Knife You Didn’t Know About!
Sharpening a knife can sometimes be a daunting task. However, there are so many ways to sharpen that you most likely never knew. Let’s Discuss!
Did you know you can sharpen your knife with your vehicle? It’s true! The window of your vehicle can be used to get your knife back to its original sharpness; here’s how you do it. Let down your window about 2/3 of the way. Hold the door open with your knee and sweep your knife blade along the window glass edge at about a 15-degree angle.
You can also use a brick to sharpen your blade. This one’s pretty simple as all you have to do is swipe it back and forth until the blade is back razor sharp!
Last one we’re going to discuss is a quite interesting one; a coffee mug. Yes, a coffee mug! Here’s how you do it; place the coffee mug upside down and run your knife blade across the rough part of the bottom of the cup. Once the mug starts to show discoloration, you are indeed sharpening your blade!
We’ve tested all 3 of these methods on our ASUS Knife and they’re all effective! Don’t let your blade go dull; try these 3 easy sharpening methods and keep your blade sharp!